1 Key Factor in Supporting Egg & Sperm Quality

Why we need to be talking about mitochondrial health


Dr. Laura Meyers, ND

5/25/20232 min read

red fruit with white background
red fruit with white background

If you have been googling & reading through forums on how to improve your sperm and egg quality, you may have come across conversations & products around supporting mitochondrial health. Or maybe this is totally new to you!

I want to break down what we mean when we talk about mitochondrial health and how it plays a role in supporting fertility.

We can then dive into some simple and effective strategies to upregulate those mitochondria!

Mitochondria, you might remember it from high school biology as “the powder house of the cell.” This organelle of the cell is what produces ATP, energy for our cells.

What do mitochondria have to do with fertility?

Well, a whole lot actually. Being the powerhouse of the cell mitochondrial DNA, along with nuclear DNA, are what drive energy production in the cell. Mitochondrial DNA provided by the egg is what generates the energy required for the embryo to reach the blastocyst stage - the stage of rapid cell division.

Ovulation, fertilization & implantation - are all energetically demanding tasks that require the support of mitochondria. Did you know that mature human eggs have the highest amount of mitochondria per cell compared to all other human cells? Sperm also require a lot of mitochondria. It takes a lot of ATP to create healthy sperm and is especially important to help sperm movement. The meeting of egg & sperm and the rapid cell division that occurs is what allows the amazing process of a human being created from two tiny little gametes. It’s quite a miraculous task!

When we talk about supporting egg and sperm quality - what we are seeking to do is to support our mitochondrial health.

Based on current knowledge, we know that aging is associated with a decline in mitochondrial function. This is because as years go by we continue to be exposed to an accumulation of oxidative damage which negatively impacts our mitochondria. We also know that there are certain exposures & habits that can accelerate this process.

On the bright side, we also know and are continuing to learn of ways to protect against mitochondria damage and even improve it.

What are a few ways we can support our Mitochondria?

  • An anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant rich food to fight oxidative damage

  • Exercise helps to support mitochondrial function

  • Sleep - getting enough quality sleep helps the body clear out waste & toxins which in turn help your mitochondria work more efficiently

  • Limiting toxin exposures to avoid damaging mitochondria

  • Mitochondria Supporting Supplements

    If you are curious about more ways to support your mitochondrial health that are tailored directly to your needs - book a discovery call and I’d be happy to chat more!

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